Sublimation Flower Zip Case
Artesprix Design TeamCanvas Zip Case, Favorites, Gel Press, Markers
Hello Artesprix friends, Ivy here. I experimented with this project using some new tools that you can use with Artesprix markers. It’s always fun to find new ways to use the markers and be able to add unique textures. Let’s get started!
What are sublimations markers?
Artesprix markers enable you to draw on regular paper and transfer on to sublimation blank materials such as totes bags, bookmarks and keychains and more.
To Create this zip pouch, you will need the following:
Heat Press or Regular Iron
- Use a pencil and lightly trace the bag tag on a plain sheet of paper.
- Choose 4-5 darker shades of Artesprix markers. Draw directly on the Gel press I made a diagonal pattern but you can make it any shape you want.
- Spray the Gel Press with alcohol, quickly stamp the gel press on the piece of paper.
If you want to add more color repeat the steps again.
- Wait until the paper is completely dry before you stamp on an image.
I’m using a floral background stamp. Once you stamp with the black ink and find some spots that may not have stamped correctly, use a black Artesprix sublimation maker to fill it in.
- The zip case has a stitching on the top, I lined up my design just below the stitching.
Use Artesprix heat tape to keep the pouch in place on the design.
- Turn the Artesprix heat press on and set the temperature to 400 degrees and the the timer for 45 seconds.
- Once the heat press is ready we are going to make a sublimation sandwich.
Place protective paper on the heat press then the zip case. *make sure the zipper hangs off the edge of the press*
Cover it another sheet of protective paper.
Make sure the zip case is facing up towards the heat source.
- Take a small peek to make sure the color is vibrant and the image has transferred, if it didn't press it on again for another 10 seconds. Let the zip case cool down before you handle it.
- To embellish my zip case I added some trim and rhinestones to the flower centers.
Here is the finished zip case. It turned out so cute kinda boho chic.
Thank you for stopping by, if you enjoyed this craft please share and tag us on Facebook and Instagram. We would love to see your creations!
Please check out these other zip case projects using Artesprix sublimation markers.
Sequin Zip Case, Floral Zip Case and Make Up Bag.
Until next time,
1 comment
This is so pretty!!