Chocolates Canvas Zip Case with Iron-on-Ink
Artesprix Design TeamCanvas Zip Case, Cricut, Cricut Machines, Markers
I’m Design Team Member Naomi and I have another confession...although I don’t really have a sweet tooth, I do love chocolate. And do you know what makes that guilty pleasure a little more special? Having a special place to keep my stash of chocolates. Artesprix Canvas Zip Cases are perfect for small treats, make-up, pens, or gift cards! These are perfect for Valentine's Day, and they come in a set of three, so you can personalize one for yourself!
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What is Artesprix Iron-on-Ink?
Artesprix Sublimation Markers, Ink, and Paint are specially formulated to allow you to use basic copy paper (something we all have) to: color, stamp, stencil, and monoprint anything you wish and turn it into a heat-transferable design. Anyone can make amazing designs, regardless of your artistic skill level. You can then use heat (either a heat press or a home iron) and pressure to apply these designs to a polyester or polyester coated substrate. Your designs will then be permanently printed onto your substrate.
Sublimation Canvas Zip Case
Sublimation Bas Fine Tip Markers 10ct
EJFC Peace Love Chocolate Design
Heat Source
Heat Tape
Copy Paper
Cricut Joy Xtra with Light Grip Mat
Lint Roller
Pressing Pillow
Step-by-Step Tutorial:
Step 1: Download the Peace, Love, Chocolate design file and upload it into Cricut Design Space.
Step 2: Size the image to fit the Artesprix Zip Case (5” x 7”).
Pro Tip: To ensure you have enough space and that you avoid side seams, make the design slightly smaller than the Zip Case.
Step 3: Change the design settings to “write” in Cricut Design Space and send to make it on the Cricut Joy Xtra. Important, set to "mirror" before Step 4.
Step 4: Add an Artesprix black fine tip marker to the Joy to complete this step.
Pro Tip: If you do not have a Cricut Joy Xtra, you can use the PNG format of the design file. Open it in your software and size appropriately. Print it on your home printer and then trace it on the back (mirrored) using a black Artesprix marker.
Step 5: Color in your design using Artesprix Fine Tip markers.
Pro Tip #2: If you are using a pressing pillow, place it inside the zip case to avoid press-lines. Use a lint roller to clean the blank.
Step 6: Place the design face down onto the zip case and secure it using heat tape.
Pro Tip #2: Using a pressing pillow or a rolled up old towel inside of the zip case will help prevent harsh lines from the paper and will raise the contact surface to help avoid seams. Alternatively, you can position the Canvas Zip Case outside the press to ensure the zipper does not affect the pressure.
Step 7: Make a "sublimation sandwich" using protective paper. Cut two pieces bigger than your blank and position your secured project in-between.
Step 8: With the design face-down on top of the blank, press your canvas zip case at 400℉ for 45 seconds.
Step 9: Before reming any tape, do a “peek test” by lifting a corner of the design to make sure the design is transferred correctly. If you can see the design coming through the paper, you likely got a good transfer. If the design transferred well, you are done and you can remove the tape and paper. If it is not, check your time, temperature, pressure, and "sublimation sandwich" stack, and re-press.
I’m so happy with how this case turned out. I also love that the canvas zip cases are double sided. So there are enough for multiple projects.
How will you decorate your Artesprix Canvas Zip Case? For more creative ideas for your next Iron-on-Ink project, check out the Artesprix Blog. Let us know if you try out this project by using the #Artesprix & #IrononInk or post your project to the Artesprix Facebook Group.
If you want to learn more about me, visit my About Me here.
Now, go make something lovely!
Naomi Garcia
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