Made With Love Paint Pouring Sublimation Ornament Using Iron-on-Ink

Artesprix Design Team
Ornaments, Paints

Hi Everyone! My name is Sarah Goulet from A Paper Moment. Growing up my favorite painter was Claude Monet. I’ve always loved the look of Impressionist paintings. I decided to take inspiration from that look to create Impressionism style Heart Ornaments using acrylic pour painting technique and the January Blank of the Month. Keep reading to see how you can use minimal Iron-on-Ink supplies to create artistic pieces you can display in your home.

paint pouring sublimation ornaments

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What are Artesprix Sublimation Arts & Crafts Supplies?

Artesprix has produced specially formulated products that permanently transfer a design you create onto a polyester or polyester coated substrate (the blank) through a mechanism called sublimation. Sublimation is a chemical process in which the combination of heat and pressure allows the solid form of the design to turn into a gas and permanently integrate into your project so it won’t peel or fade. What’s great is that along with the Artesprix sublimation arts and craft supplies such as Sublimation Markers, Paints, and Inks, you can easily utilize items you may already have such as stamps, stencils, and electronic cutting machines for quick and easy projects.

sublimation paint unisub ornaments


Heart Ornament 2ct

Sublimation Acrylic Paints

Heat Tape

Protective Paper Roll

Protective Project Mat

Watercolor Paper

Small paper cups


Popsicle sticks

Plastic pipette

Aluminum tray


Heat Source

Heat Protective Gloves

Optional: Disposable Gloves

Step-by-Step Tutorial: 

Step 1: Choose what Sublimation Acrylic Paints you want to use. I mixed my own colors using the Artesprix Paint Color Mixing Chart, small paper cups, and a popsicle stick.

mixed artesprix sublimation acrylic paint

Pro Tip: I suggest using no more than 3 colors and to use colors close to each other on the color wheel. These are known as analogous colors.

Step 2: Take a plastic pipette and draw up water. Add water to each of your cups of paint in a 1:1 ratio. The pipette gives you more control. Add enough so that the paint is runny but not watery. It should drip off your popsicle sticks but still cling to the stick. Add more water or paint to achieve the right consistency.

Step 3: With an aluminum tray on your work surface, place a sheet of watercolor paper in the tray. This will catch any drips and minimize mess.

Pro Tip #2: Put on gloves if you don’t want paint on your fingers. This will also prevent fingerprints on your design.

Pro Tip #3: I used cold press watercolor paper. This has texture which will transfer onto your blank as a more uneven transfer. I liked this look as it added to the Impressionism feel. If you want an even transfer without texture, use hot press watercolor paper or smooth card stock.

paint pouring sublimation paint

Step 4: Pour each paint color onto the watercolor paper in no particular pattern. The colors can overlap each other.

Step 5: Pick up the paper and tilt it around. This helps move the paint. Be patient! You’ll see some interesting swirls start to happen.

paint pouring sublimation design transfer

Step 6: Once the paper is covered, set your piece to dry for 24 hours.

Step 7: After the piece is completely dry, cut out what sections you want to use for your Heart Ornament. Remember it’s a double sided blank! With larger watercolor paper, there’s lots of areas to choose from. 

Step 8: Secure the blank to the finished design using Heat Tape.

secured sublimation blank to paint design

Step 9: Assemble your “sublimation sandwich.” Sandwich recipe is Protective Paper, Blank with painted piece on top, Protective paper. This will protect your work surface and heat source.

paint pouring sublimation ornaments before transfer

Step 10: If using a handheld heat source, place the Protective Project Mat onto a sturdy work surface. Place your “sandwich” onto the Project Mat with the design closest to the heat source. Press your project for 75 seconds at 400℉.

Step 11: With heat protective gloves on, peel back a corner for a “peek test” to see if your design has fully transferred. If it has not, place the corner back and press again.

paint pouring sublimation ornaments after transfer

Step 12: Let your project cool completely. Repeat the above steps for the second side of the blank.

paint pouring sublimation ornaments before and after

Step 13: Add ribbon to the Heart Ornament and display your new art piece!

Acrylic pour painting is such a fun technique, and you only need minimal supplies. Since the Blank of the Month contains 2 ornaments, I made a second piece with different colors. Every piece is unique as the paint mixes and swirls in various directions on the paper. Artesprix makes it so easy to use diverse techniques to create one of a kind projects.

paint pouring sublimation ornaments

Be sure to share your sublimation projects on the Artesprix Iron-on-Ink Inspirational Group on Facebook. Also use the hashtags #Artesprix and #IrononInk on your socials so we can see what you’re creating! Finally, check out the Artesprix Blog for more tutorials and inspiration. To see more of what I’ve made, visit me @APaperMoment.

Have a great day!

Sarah Goulet

**This post may contain affiliate links. That means that I may receive compensation if you purchase through the links I have provided. The price you pay for the product or service is not higher, but I may get compensated.** 

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