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Bengals Super Bowl Potholder with Iron-on-Ink
HelloI I am Adam and I am a paper crafting guru. I love making cards for all occasions and have done so for the...
Peace, Love, Cupcakes! October Blank of the Month, Artesprix Pot Holder
Hey everyone, Tanya here. I really wanted to cook up something happy on the Poly Pot Holder. What’s really happy? …Cupcakes! I have seen the...
Fun Potholder with Artesprix
Hey guys, Sarah here! I had so much fun with this month’s blank of the month. I have recently participated in a Pprocreate virtual...
Only my Cat Understands Me Iron-on-Ink Potholder
Nicole Martel on the blog with you today. I have a project for all of my kitty loving friends! You will not be able...
Artesprix Count Your Blessings Potholder
Hello creative! Rita Barakat here today, I’m a mixed media artist, and I love drawing, painting, color and anything creative! Today we are making...