Floral Bookmarks Using Iron-on-Ink
Artesprix Design TeamBookmark, Markers, Stamp Pads
A Fun Project Using Artesprix Products!
Hey there, Courtney here enjoying my time creating with these Sublimation Markers. I love to read and when I saw Bookmarks were available I had to have them. I’m a “crease the page corner” kind of reader and I thought it would be nice to have a pretty flowery bookmark to take the place of that habit. I love a good mystery that will get me thinking and wondering what’s going to happen next. Unlike that, this is an easy step by step tutorial that’s explained in simple steps and leaving you with fun Flowery Bookmarks Using Iron-on-Ink.
What are Artesprix Sublimation Markers?
Fancy inks that magically transfer their beautiful colors from plain copy paper to a polyester product with a heat source. At least that's how I like to look at it. Iron-on-Ink Markers are the handheld way to personalize sublimation which really is specially formulated inks that transfer only when activated with heat.
- Markers
- Blank Copy Paper
- Pencil
- Bookmarks
- Clear Stamps (Craft Smart Brand from Michael’s)
- Stamp Block
- Stamp Pad
- Scissors
- Project Mat
- Protective Paper
- Heat Tape
- Heat Source (Press, Iron, Etc.)
Step-by-Step Tutorial
Step 1: Start off by tracing your Bookmark with a pencil. Using anything other than a pencil may leave an unwanted line around your Bookmark.Step 2: Go ahead and design with stamps and color with the Sublimation Markers in all areas traced in step 1. Going outside the lines is encouraged here. Coloring can be messy and free-flowing but keep the main key elements well inside your traced lines.
Step 3: With your design complete cut around your design leaving ample room for taping. Add the Bookmark (white side) against your design and use Heat Tapeto secure your design to the Bookmark.Step 4: Now place a piece of Protective Paper in your work area and then the Bookmark taped to the design on top of that and then top it all off with another piece of Protective Paper. Add your “Sublimation Sandwich” to your heat press or place it on your Project Mat while using an iron. Press the Bookmark for 45 seconds at 400ºF while using a heat press and with an iron use firm constant pressure on the highest setting (no steam.)
Step 5: When your seconds of heating is complete carefully open the heat press or set aside the iron and let your Bookmark cool a few minutes. It will be hot and can burn ungloved hands. When it’s cool to the touch reveal your Bookmark by peeling back the copy paper and heat tape.
Step 6: Enjoy your newly sublimated Flowery Bookmarks Using Iron-on-Ink with your very own creative touch.
Did you enjoy this tutorial?
Are Flowery Bookmarks an interest of yours? You can check out more great tutorials on the Artesprix website blog, like this beautifully designed Artesprix Picture Frame by Design Team Member Nicole.
Here is my YouTube Video for this project!
Now with my personalized Flowery Bookmarks Using Iron-on-Ink project complete I can save my book corners from the creasing lines. In the book’s defense, it would somehow come undone and I’d lose my place.
Books 1 - Courtney - 0.
Not anymore! Bookmarks for the win!
1 comment
Beautiful bookmarks!!